The Most Comfortable City In Indonesia

From the results of research conducted at the Association of Planners 12 cities in Indonesia against the city that is considered comfortable, mentions the city of Yogyakarta as the city's the most comfortable city in Indonesia.

Research conducted on 1200 people, with 100 people per city being assessed, with a spatial quality criteria, the amount of open space, quality of public transport, protection of historical buildings, cleanliness, pollution, road conditions, pedestrian facilities, the diffable, health, education, clean water, telecommunications networks, public services, the relationship between population, electricity, recreation facilities.

The results of this study are: (highest value 100 which is very convenient)

1. Yogyakarta city index value 65.34
Prambanan Temple In Yogyakarta

2. Manado 59.9;
Manado City

3. Makassar 56.52;
Interest Place in Makassar City

Bandung City

5. Jayapura 53.13;
Jayapura City

6. Surabaya 53.13;
Surabaya City

7. Banjarmasin 52.61;
Floating City in Banjarmasin

8. Semarang 52.52;
Semarang City

Mesjid Raya in Medan City

10. Palangkaraya 52.04;
Palangkaraya City

Jakarta City

12. Pontianak 43.65
Khatulistiwa Monument in Pontianak City

From the results of the most comfortable city in Indonesia a survey in 12 major cities is only the people of Yogyakarta who most feel comfortable living in his town. Still, convenience is more widely supported cultural factors that gentle, polite, and friendly.

While residents of Jakarta, do not feel comfortable because of the public transport services, particularly about the quality, lack of facilities for pregnant women and the disabled, environmental hygiene, poor arrangement of the city, lack of green open space (RTH) and the highest was the complaint of employment readiness .


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